I'm trying to recognize the result of a generic query to a managed object as an NSSet. Currently the class returned is a member of _NSFaultingMutableSet, which is clearly related, but fails the isMemberOf:[NSSet class] and isKindOf:[NSSet class] calls.
Given that Cocoa doesn't do a direct implementation of NSSet, it's not surprising that I've got some air in the pipes, but I'm wondering if I'm messing something obvious up or this requires a higher grade of kung-fu than I possess.
Code follows:
SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(someString);
if(![self respondsToSelector:selector]){
NSLog(@"Error processing item");
id items = [self performSelector:selector];
Class itemsClass = [items class];
if ( [itemsClass isKindOfClass:[NSSet class]]) {
// do something