



function rezizecode()
     $config['image_library'] = 'gd2';
     $config['source_image']    = 'system/application/images/manu.jpg';
     $config['create_thumb'] = TRUE;
    $config['maintain_ratio'] = TRUE;
    $config['width']= 25;
    $config['height']= 30;
    $this->load->library('image_lib', $config); 

using this code image resizing is not working ?

+3  A: 

Nobody can answer this question.
this is only smallest part of the code, and it can be not the code at all.

To answer the question "why my code is not working" a programmer must learn to debug, and a user must hire a programmer.

IBM has good article to start on debugging: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-debug/

Turn all errors on and try to debug some.

Col. Shrapnel
This isn't exactly an answer. Maybe post in comments next time?
@Kenaniah Like many other newbies you have no idea of debugging and don't take debugging as an answer. What a pity.
Col. Shrapnel
Such grace Shrapnel :)
Mike B
@Shrapnel, your stupidity is amazing. This technically isn't an answer to the question, and should rather be posted in the comments. Obviously he should learn how to debug.
Thank you for your opinion :) I see many people who can understand direct answer only. But our life is not that direct...
Col. Shrapnel

what environment you are working in, What I suspect is the path for the image might incorrect

 $config['source_image']    = 'system/application/images/manu.jpg';

try to put full path on it.

 $config['source_image']    = '[path]/system/application/images/manu.jpg';

test it out.
