



I've been unable to figure this out on my own. I currently have an Open GLES setup where a view controller both updates a game world (with a dt), fetches the data I need to render, passes it off to an EAGLView through two structures (built of Apple's ES1Renderer), and draws the scene.
Whenever a value originates outside of the Open GL view, it can't be used to either translate objects using glTranslatef, or set up the scene using glOrthof. If I assign a new value to something, it will work - even if it is the exact same number.

The two structures I have each contain a variety of floating-point numbers and booleans, along with two arrays. I can log the values from within my renderer - they make it there - but I receive errors from OpenGL if I try to do anything with them. No crashes result, but the glOrthof call doesn't work if I don't set the camera values to anything different.

Code used to set up scene:

[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context]; 
glBindFramebufferOES(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES, viewFramebuffer);

//clears the color buffer bit


//sets up the scene w/ ortho projection
glViewport(0, 0, 320, 480);

glOrthof(320, 0, dynamicData.cam_x2, dynamicData.cam_x1, 1.0, -1.0);
glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

/*error checking code here*/

"dynamicData" (which is replaced every frame) is created within my game simulation. From within my controller, I call a method (w/in my simulation) that returns it, and pass the result on to the EAGLView, which passes it on to the renderer. I haven't been able to come up with a better solution for this - suggestions in this regard would be greatly appreciated as well.

Also, this function doesn't work as well (values originate in the same place):

 glTranslatef(dynamicData.ship_x, dynamicData.ship_y, 0.0);

Thanks in advance.

Additional Definitions:
Structure (declared in a separate header): typedef struct { float ship_x, ship_y; float cam_x1, cam_x2; } dynamicRenderData; Render data getter (and builder) (every frame)

- (dynamicRenderData)getDynRenderData
    //d_rd is an ivar, zeroed on initialization
    d_rd.ship_x = mainShip.position.x;
    d_rd.ship_y = mainShip.position.y;
    d_rd.cam_x1 = d_rd.ship_x - 30.0f;
    d_rd.cam_x2 = d_rd.cam_x1 + 480.0f;

    return d_rd;

Zeroed at start. (d_rd.ship_x = 0;, etc…)

Setting up the view. Prototype (GLView): - (void)draw: (dynamicRenderData)dynamicData Prototype (Renderer): - (void)drawView: (dynamicRenderData)dynamicData

How it's called w/in the controller:

[glview draw: [world getDynRenderData]];

//glview (within draw)
[renderer drawView: dynamicData];