



I'm updating some legacy apps to Visual Studio 10 and am in linker hell. All of these DLLs derive classes from CWinApp and use AfxGetApp() to get access to the object. When I link the DLLs I get unresolved externals that look like global static objects that would get pulled in by a normal app's main():

Shell.lib(SHELL.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static struct CRuntimeClass const CException::classCException" (?classCException@CException@@2UCRuntimeClass@@B)
Shell.lib(SHELL.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static struct CRuntimeClass const CFrameWnd::classCFrameWnd" (?classCFrameWnd@CFrameWnd@@2UCRuntimeClass@@B)
Shell.lib(SHELL.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static class CRect const CFrameWnd::rectDefault" (?rectDefault@CFrameWnd@@2VCRect@@B)

My current combination of ignore default libraries and additional libraries (the method you can easily google to find the answer to linker hell) is: msvcprtd.lib,mfc100d.lib,mfcs100d.lib,libcmtd.lib

When I add nafxcwd.lib (the mfc library), these three external symbols resolve but I end up with a bunch of other duplicate symbols (requiring the use of /FORCE:MULTIPLE) and in end __argc and __argv become unresolved.

So the basic question is: Can you link a DLL containing a CWinApp in VS10? How do you setup the linker to do it?