




I'm trying to learn Qt4. I have written code in C, C#, Python, PHP, Java and JavaScript before, but not in C++. Is there a book on Qt4 that you can recommend me?

I've found some books I might like, but they're a little on the expensive side. I'm not ready to commit to Qt before I've played with it for a while, so I'd prefer to keep it under 30 bucks.

I will accept the answer that gets the most up votes.


Have you tried amazone.

I have, but I want the expert programmer's opinion on this.
+2  A: 

Well first I recommend you learn C++ from Accelerated C++ if you don't already know it. As for getting started with Qt, the Qt documentation has a guide and some tutorials to help you.

I haven't bought any books on Qt and you don't really need any, but there are some:


I think one of the best Qt learning practice is to look sometimes in Examples and Demos Launcher, at least for me. Books may provide you with the basic information about Qt methods, classes and variables.

+1  A: 

The documentation for Qt is actually enough to get started, GUIs with Qt is as painless as C++ can ever get IMHO.

In book form, C++ GUI Programming in Qt (iconiK mentioned this along with other fine books!) is a great introduction to how Qt works, and progresses into more advanced things that are a little trickier to pick up from the Qt docs. It is a little old now but still highly relevant. There's a version of it online some where, on a Chinese website.

Depending on how much cash you want to spend on the books, I would suggest digging into all the material iconiK answered with - his is the most useful post here. If cash is tighter, go with C++ GUI Programming, you'll learn all you need to know.


I've found a quick guide to C++'s features for people who are familiar with C. For now, this will suffice. If you're interested, you can read the article here.


I'd suggest you Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt4
