




Hey all, Let's take the case of a simple class:

QScriptEngine engine;

class MyClass {
    QScriptValue foo(QScriptContext*, QScriptEngine*);

QScriptValue MyClass:foo(QScriptContext* context, QScriptEngine* eng) {

MyClass::MyClass() {
    QScriptValue self = engine.newFunction(this->foo, 0);

The above function gives me an error: no matching function for call to ‘QScriptEngine::newFunction(<unresolved overloaded function type>, int)’

I have tried using engine.newFunction(reinterpret_cast<FunctionSignature>(foo), 0); but this gives me an error which basically says that the compiler is not aware of a keyword called 'FunctionSignature'.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks a lot.

Regards, rohan

+1  A: 

Looking into the official example code, you should do something like this:

MyClass::MyClass() {
    QScriptValue self = engine.newFunction(foo, 0);

EDIT: OK, I looked into the reference a little bit more. The problem is, that you try to pass a method, where a function is needed. As @mosg pointed out, this isn't possible. Either you make foo a static function - or you try the solution in the referenced thread. This means, that you create a new QObject via engine.newQObject.

Yes, that was my first try. But that isn't working.
Rohan Prabhu