



any web service i can use to store small amounts of data (thinking XML or JSON) for free if possible?

i am thinking i wanna create a small todo app just exploration/learning (so preferably free) that also backups data to the cloud so they can use it on smartphones for example?

+2  A: 

Dropbox appears to have an API.

Scott Whitlock
oh this maybe what i need. i need to [register for a developer key]( tho. hoping i can get it soon
Dropbox is overkill for small amounts of data. The OP is talking about kilobytes of data, which are definitely the wrong way to use dropbox.
Paul McMillan
@paul, but is there a better service more appropriate for this? **UPDATE: ** ok i saw ur answer. Google Apps
No, google app engine.
Paul McMillan
+1  A: 

It looks like Dropbox is accepting applications for API access.

Dropbox, the free, web-based file backup service, has rolled out a new API that gives developers a way to access, edit and save any file in a user’s Dropbox account.

I've just signed up. No mention how long it typically takes to approve access.

Michael Petrotta
+2  A: 

Google's app engine is free for low-volume use, and includes some amount of storage. If you get really popular, you can scale up easily.

More info here:

The documentation on what is available for free is here:

In a nutshell, if you serve fewer than 5 million pageviews a month, you are unlikely to run out of free processing power.

Paul McMillan
hmm i looked at that just now, but don't see that its free?
It's free for small amounts of data and processing power, where small is far greater than you're likely to use for an example project.
Paul McMillan
hmm thats good to know, i still need a domain name, plus i learnt java but kind of prefer C#, python seems like a good alternative but i didn't learn it yet. i guess i can get started learning google apps first. or use the DropBox alternative. [Google Apps Standard Edition](
App engine works with Java and Python. We're not talking about Google apps. You are confused.
Paul McMillan
oh ya u are right

You can try Amazon S3 web services cloud computing infrastructure.

I think its worth mentioning this isn't free