




I am interested in a complex, mature and admin friendly cms. I am also searching the one with most extensions, packages, add-ons ...

I found these to be the most popular: alfresco, drupal, ez, joomla, dotcms, plone ...

Can you help me find the one I am looking for ? (dotcms and drupal are on my mind now)

Thank you.


Of course, it really depends on what you want to do.FYI, If you want to make e-commerce and news sites , Joomla has plenty of extensions for it . What I mean is Drupal can do like this too but Joomla is more suitable for these usages. But AFAIK, it's hard to know and customize the parts of Joomla. we need to try from back-end. Drupal is light-weight and easy to use .

+1  A: 

A CMS with the most extensions would not automatically be a mature and admin-friendly CMS. (And why are you interested in a "complex CMS"?)

What I would do is define of your requirements (both in terms of functionality, but also in aspects related to performance, platforms, enhanceability, flexibility, useability, -ility). After that, make a shortlist of candidate CMS'es. Then evaluate the CMSes and their extensions/add-ons against your requirements. Don't forgot important aspects as developer activity, user community, the 'culture' of the Open Source project.

Alfresco, Drupal, Joomla each have advantages in their own areas and bonus sweet spots. Researching those, and the fit with your requirements, is much more important than "the one with the most ...".
