Could anyone help me telling me how to use scala's ObservableSet trait?
Thank you very much in advance
Could anyone help me telling me how to use scala's ObservableSet trait?
Thank you very much in advance
It's a bit of an eyesore with all the typing information, but this is how I was able to get it to work. I welcome suggestions on how to make the typing more concise. various edits including type aliases:
import collection.mutable._
import collection.script._
val set = new HashSet[String] with ObservableSet[String] { }
type Msg = Message[String] with Undoable
type Sub = Subscriber[Msg, ObservableSet[String]]
val sub = new Sub() {
def notify(pub: ObservableSet[String], event: Msg): Unit = {
println("%s sent %s".format(pub, event))
event match {
case r:Remove[_] => println("undo!"); event.undo()
case _ =>
set += "foo"
set += "bar"
set -= "bar"
That prints:
Set(foo) sent Include(NoLo,foo)
Set(bar, foo) sent Include(NoLo,bar)
Set(foo) sent Remove(NoLo,bar)
Set(bar, foo) sent Include(NoLo,bar)
Interestingly, undo caused another message to be published...