How do I load a Java Class that is not compiled?
You need to compile it first. This can be done programmatically with the API. This only requires the JDK being installed at the local machine on top of JRE.
Here's a basic kickoff example (leaving obvious exception handling aside):
// Prepare source somehow.
String source = "package test; public class Test { static { System.out.println(\"hello\"); } }";
// Save source in .java file.
File root = new File("/java"); // On Windows running on C:/, this is C:/java/
File sourceFile = new File(root, "test/");
Writer writer = new FileWriter(sourceFile);
// Compile source file.
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();, null, null, sourceFile.getPath());
// Load and instantiate compiled class.
URLClassLoader classLoader = URLClassLoader.newInstance(new URL[] { root.toURI().toURL() });
Class<?> cls = Class.forName("test.Test", true, classLoader);
Object instance = cls.newInstance(); // Should print "hello".
System.out.println(instance); // Should print "test.Test@hashcode".
Which yields like
Further use would be more easy if those classes implements
a certian interface which is already in the classpath.
SomeInterface instance = (SomeInterface) cls.newInstance();
Otherwise you need to involve the Reflection API to access and invoke the (unknown) methods/fields.
That said and unrelated to the actual problem:
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("")));
rely on current working directory is recipe for portability touble. Don't do that. Put that file in classpath and use ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream()
with a classpath-relative path.