
Building a Plugin Architecture with Adobe AIR

I'm thinking of choosing Adobe AIR as the client-side implementation technology for an upcoming project. (The previous choice was C# and WPF, but I've been really impressed with Flash/Flex/AIR lately.) But one of the most important features of my product will be its plugin architecture, allowing third party developers to extend the func...

Can dynamically pluggable modules be done in VHDL?

In c (embedded) a plugin can be implemented by defining a function pointer table and an address range that the module can be loaded into. This requires linker directive to allocate the space and define the location of the function table. Is there a similar mechanism in HDL / VHDL or Verilog. I guess what I am thinking is to define a b...

How to abort the loading of an external HTML resource, from JavaScript?

I'm writing a JavaScript widget, which is intended for use on other website and loads additional script files from my own web site (which basically means no XHR due to cross-domain limitations). Now I want to handle failures gracefully - if one script fails to load, I want to load the script from an alternate server. I managed to handle...

Including Java classes and running them during runtime

I have a Java project that needs a "addon" interface. I was thinking about loading some kind of class files having default methods like initialize() and shutdown() that will be called after the class has been loaded into the application. Is this the way to do it? How would I approach this problem? ...

How to scan a directory for assemblies and load them?

I would like to scan a directory for any assemblies that are not already referenced in the project then load all instances of a class that implements IMyInterface. I know that the Assembly.LoadFile method can help me out here but how do I determine if the assembly that I am loading was already referenced statically? I do not want to ...

How do I make an Action Script 3 class, used in two SWF files, resolve to the same class when one SWF dynamically loads the other?

Background I am developing a highly modular application in pure Action Script 3 (we are using Flex 4 SDK to automate our builds, but all our code must be able to compile directly in Flash CS4 Professional). We have a "framework.swc" file which contains interface definitions which are shared between all our modules, we have a "mainmodul...

Load content as an element scrolls into view

Hey everyone, I have a list of search results in a <div> element with a static height and overflow: auto; in the style. I would like to load only the first x number of search results (e.g. 20), and load another x results as the user scrolls to the bottom of the element containing the search results. Can anyone explain to me how I would...

Disable automatic DLL loading in C++

My scenario is as follows: my application depends on a certain DLL (I use it's lib during linkage). However, when my application executes, I want to explicitly load that DLL using LoadLibrary. However, by default, when the code reaches a scope where that DLL is needed, the environment automatically look it up, and then loads it. I want t...

Detecting and dynamicly loading the installed Microsoft Word Object Library

A little back story: I have small application that will use Word to generate a Outlook signature based on a Word template and data from the company active directory. It works wonderful on computers with Office 2007, since I used "Microsoft Word 12.0 Object Library" when I coded it on my own computer. There are quite a few computers on t...

Dynamic loading problem when program executes from a jar

Hi all, I have an application which is extendable through java classes that conform to a given interface. If I run the program from the command line classes, I am able to instantiate the add-on classes using: Class.forName("myAddon").newInstance(); However if I jar the application (setting the main class correctly), I get a class not...

Error handling in Dynamic JS loading

I am loading a JS file needed only for one part of my web page, only when the user navigates to that tab on the page. var scriptFile = document.createElement("script"); scriptFile.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); scriptFile.setAttribute("src", scriptURL); I am trying to come up with an error handling mechanism for this dynamic...

When trying to run exe file without its dlls, there is no error message c#

Hi I have a c# application which has a dll added by reference. when I try to run the exe file from windows (after compilation) and the dll is renamed I want the application to show an error message ; Does someone know how can I do it in code? Thanks. ...

Failed to load viewstate.

I have an aspx page that dynamically loads user controls: there is an UpdatePanel that holds these controls (one each time). When I change a control with another one it fails with the message: Failed to load viewstate. The control tree into which viewstate is being loaded must match the control tree that was used to save viewst...

UI Tab load external page, jQueries not working anymore

Hello, I've got a problem when i using UI Tabs and load an external page into the tabcontent-DIV. When the page has loaded, all jQueries for this page seems not to work anymore. I read something about callbacks, but it's not clear at all. Example: I load an external page by ui-tabs, and the loaded content includes a DIV, that should hi...

Dynamic loading and symbols sharing

Hi, I'm trying to load a module library via dl in such way, that the module can access globals from the main application. How is that possible to do? I get an error message from dlopen saying library/name.so: undefined symbol: .... The only flag used is: RTLD_NOW. The module itself is build with libtool with -module -avoid-version. ...

What are the advantages of loading DLLs dynamically?

Looking for the advantages of loading DLLs dynamically as opposed to letting your application load the DLLs by default. ...

Setting the colour scheme for a Silverlight app from an external resource

I have a Silverlight 3 application containing six custom user controls. I'd like to load the colour scheme for these controls from an external resource. The code and XAML containing a default colour scheme would be built in the XAP. Then a parameter on the object tag would contain a URL from where alternate colours can be dynamically lo...

Loading a SWF dynamically causes previously loaded SWFs to misbehave

I have run into a very strange problem with Flash and Flex. It appears that under certain circumstances, movie clips from a SWF loaded at runtime (using Loader) cannot be instantiated if another SWF has been loaded in the mean time. Here is the complete code for a program that reproduces the error. It is compiled using mxmlc, via Ensemb...

Shared library linking and loading in BusyBox 0.61

Does anybody know how the dynamic linking and shared library loading works in BusyBox 0.61 ? I can't seem to find how this is done. There's no 'ld' present on the embedded system I'm dealing with, nor is there an LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable set anywhere. My motivation for this is to be able to create a symlink in the /lib directory to ano...

How do I instantiate Class Dynamically in Java?

I have the class name stored in a property file. I know that the classes store will implement IDynamicLoad. How do I instantiate the class dynamically? Right now I have Properties foo = new Properties(); foo.load(new FileInputStream(new File("ClassName.properties"))); String class_name = foo.getProperty("class","DefaultCla...