



I'm trying to get In App Purchase with my existing iPad App working. I'm stuck retrieving the Product Information from App Store:

- (void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response

The SKProductsResponse only contains invalid Product IDs. I tried every potential solution I found here or on the net:

  • my App ID has In App enabled
  • I generated a new provisioning profile and installed it on my device
  • I restarted the device
  • my App ID is the same as in my Info.plist (it's in the Store since weeks)
  • I added In App Purchases for the App with "cleared for sale" checked
  • I added Screenshots to my In App Purchases
  • I tried different naming schemes for the Product ID
  • I made triple checked that I pass the correct Product ID to the SKProductsRequest
  • I'm passing a NSSet to the SKProductsRequest instead of a MutableSet
  • I updated my App with the upcoming version containing in App purchase and submitted it for Review
  • I approved one of my In App Purchases, just to see if that helps
  • I waited more than 24 hours

All of these actions brought me nothing but invalid Product IDs.

I hope someone can point me into the right direction, because I'm running out of ideas.


Get rid of the reverse domain crap for your IDs, wherever you pass them so instead of com.your just use productid. You're almost home.

i tried various product ID names, nothing works
you probably already saw this but just in case:
+1  A: 

Are you logged in as an In-App Purchase test user? (You can create one via iTunes Connect under manage users). Products that have not been approved for sale will not appear if you're using a regular account, even if it's a development build, and even if the app itself has cleared for sale. You may need to sign out of your regular account on the iPhone first (Home Screen -> Settings -> App Store -> Log out).

You say you're getting invalid product ids rather than none though - what kind of ids are you getting back? Are they gibberish or is it returning someone else's ids? Examples would help.

Nicholas M T Elliott