



Say I have a struct that looks like this (a POD):

struct Foo
  int i;
  double d;

What are the differences between the following two lines:

Foo* f1 = new Foo;
Foo* f2 = new Foo();

Per the link I posted.

In C++ the only difference between a class and a struct is that class-members are private by default, while struct-members default to public. So structures can have constructors, and the syntax is the same as for classes.

Struct Constructor Info

The point is the use or omission of the curved brackets when constructing new objects. The question applies to classes as well as structs.
+2  A: 

I suppose nothing at all. Foo() is allowed, even if it makes no sense... I've tried to change struct into class and tried a diff on the generated exe, and they resulted to be the same, meaning that a class without method is like a struct from a practical and "effective" point of view.

But: if you use only one of the alternative, keeping struct or class no matter, it happens that new Foo and new Foo() gives executables which differ! (At least using g++) I.e.

struct Foo { int i; double d; }
int main() { Foo *f1 = new Foo; delete f1; }

is compiled into somehing different from

struct Foo { int i; double d; }
int main() { Foo *f1 = new Foo(); delete f1; }

and the same happens with class instead of struct. To know where the difference is we should look at the generated code... and to know if it is a g++ idiosincracy or not, I should try another compiler but I have only gcc and no time now to analyse the asm output of g++...

Anyway from a "functional" (practical) point of view, it is the same thing.


At the end it is always better to know or do deeper investigation for some common human problems on Q/A sites... the only difference in the code generated by g++ in () and no () cases,

    movl    $0, (%eax)
    fstpl   4(%eax)

which is a fragment that initializes to 0/0.0 the int and the double of the struct... so Seymour knows it better (but I could have discovered it without knowing if I had taken a look at the asm first!)

Why does using brackets make no sense, it is invoking the default constructor. If anything, a lack of parens makes no sense.
what are you saying? it's a test, plausible for the question and the fact that foo() normally means a call to a function/method; a not so useful test, rather than a reading of specs, this would have been a possible critic.Your comment means nothing to me.
+7  A: 

The first one leaves the values uninitialised; the second initialises them to zero. This is only the case for POD types, which have no constructors.

Mike Seymour
Thank you! Is that the only difference?
Yes, that's the only difference.
Mike Seymour
And if I am not mistaken, this was only added in some newer revisions of the standard (2003?)