I'm trying to make a MFC application(client) that connects to a server on ("localhost",port 1234), the server replies to the client and the client reads from the server's response.
The server is able to receive the data from the client and it sends the reply back to the socket from where it received it, but I am unable to read the reply from within the client.
I am making a CAsyncSocket to connect to the server and send data and a CAsyncSocket with overloaded methods onAccet and onReceive to read the reply from the server. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong.
class ServerSocket:public CAsyncSocket{
void OnAccept(int nErrorCode){
outputBox->SetWindowTextA("RECEIVED DATA");
//in ApplicationDlg I have:
socket.Send(temp,strlen(temp)); //this should be sending the initial message
if(!serverSocket.Create()) //this should get the response i guess...
AfxMessageBox("Could not create server socket");
AfxMessageBox("Could not listen to socket");