



While trying to optimize SQL scripts, I was recommended to add indexes.

What is the easiest way to specify what Database the index should be on?

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysindexes WHERE NAME = 'idx_TableA')  
  DROP INDEX TableA.idx_TableA 

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysindexes WHERE NAME = 'idx_TableB')  
  DROP INDEX TableB.idx_TableB 

In the code aboce, TableA is in DB-A, and TableB is in DB-B.

I get the following error when I change DROP INDEX TableA.idx_TableA to DROP INDEX DB-A.dbo.TableA.idx_TableA

Msg 166, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
'DROP INDEX' does not allow specifying the database name as a prefix to the object name.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

+4  A: 

Drop commands must use a USE statment with it if you are going to drop an index on a differet Database.

USE [DatabaseName]
Drop Index [IndexName]
John Hartsock
SQL didn't like that inside the if statement either. Maybe my IF structure is incorrect.
You must do the USE before you execute the SQL to be run against the database.
I see now, the USE is on the outside of the IF statement. Thank you.
+3  A: 

If you have permissions, another way is with EXEC('sql'). Also note that when querying sys.indexes, you need to prefix with the database name(s):

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [DB-A].sys.indexes WHERE name = 'idx_TableA')
  EXEC('USE [DB-A]; DROP INDEX TableA.idx_TableA')

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [DB-B].sys.indexes WHERE name = 'idx_TableB')
  EXEC('USE [DB-B]; DROP INDEX TableB.idx_TableB')
Tom H.