Is there some equivalent class for C++1x's std::unique_ptr in the boost libraries? The behavior I'm looking for is being able to have an exception-safe factory function, like so...
std::unique_ptr<Base> create_base()
return std::unique_ptr<Base>(new Derived);
void some_other_function()
std::unique_ptr<Base> b = create_base();
// Do some stuff with b that may or may not throw an exception...
// Now b is destructed automagically.
EDIT: Right now, I'm using this hack, which seems like the best I can get at this point...
Base* create_base()
return new Derived;
void some_other_function()
boost::scoped_ptr<Base> b = create_base();
// Do some stuff with b that may or may not throw an exception...
// Now b is deleted automagically.