



Is there a way to write a one line condition that would return true if STL container is sorted? The container in question is std::vector

I intend to use it in an assert

+3  A: 

You can use std::is_sorted(vec.begin(),vec.end()) to test if it is sorted. Note, though, that this is O(n).

Michael Aaron Safyan
`is_sorted` isn't a part of the C++ Standard Library.
Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
It is in the C++0x standard - and shipping with VC++ 2010
@corvuscorax, yes it is in C++0x, but it is only draft unfortunately. [I wouldn't use it in a production code.](
Kirill V. Lyadvinsky

It depends what STL data type you want to use.

A map is already sorted by the key provided the key has overloaded compare operators. You're good to go here.

A list requires that you explicitly call the sort function. You will need to keep track of whether or not you sorted it yet.

Hope this helps.

Ben Burnett
+8  A: 

Use adjacent_find in combination with less or greater functor.

You should know whether the container is sorted in ascending or descending.

If the vector is supposed to be sorted in ascending order:

//Checks the first element where adjacent value where elem > nextElem
//returns end if the vector is sorted!
//Complexity is O(n)
vector<int>::iterator pos =  std::adjacent_find (aVec.begin(), aVec.end(),   // range

if (pos == aVec.end()) 
    std::cout<<" sorted"<<endl;
    std::cout<<"Not sorted"<<endl;
Beat me by a second.
Well known trick, though not so obvious. Fortunately C++0x introduces the `is_sorted` function for that :)
Matthieu M.