



I am testing a calendar component using Selenium. In my test I want to click on the current date. Please help me with the XPath statement for doing that. I am adding the HTML for the calendar component.

<input id="event_date" type="text" on="click then l:show.event.calendar" style="border: 1px solid rgb(187, 187, 187); width: 100px;" fieldset="new_event" decorator="redbox" validator="date"/>
<img id="app_136" style="position: relative; top: 2px;" on="click then l:show.event.calendar" src="images/calendar.png"/>
<div id="app_137" style="margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt;">
<div id="app_calendar_2" class="yui-calcontainer single withtitle" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1000;">
<div class="title">Select Event Date</div>
<table id="app_calendar_2_cal" class="yui-calendar y2010" cellspacing="0">
<tr class="calweekdayrow">
<th class="calweekdaycell">Su</th>
<th class="calweekdaycell">Mo</th>
<th class="calweekdaycell">Tu</th>
<th class="calweekdaycell">We</th>
<th class="calweekdaycell">Th</th>
<th class="calweekdaycell">Fr</th>
<th class="calweekdaycell">Sa</th>
<tbody class="m6 calbody">
<tr class="w22">
<td id="app_calendar_2_cal_cell0" class="calcell oom calcelltop calcellleft">30</td>
<td id="app_calendar_2_cal_cell1" class="calcell oom calcelltop">31</td>
<td id="app_calendar_2_cal_cell2" class="calcell wd2 d1 selectable calcelltop">
<td id="app_calendar_2_cal_cell3" class="calcell wd3 d2 today selectable calcelltop selected">
<a class="selector" href="#">2</a>

I want to click the date component described in

<td id="app_calendar_2_cal_cell3" class="calcell wd3 d2 today selectable calcelltop selected">
<a class="selector" href="#">2</a>

Thanks in advance



How about:

//td[contains(@class, 'today')]/a

Or you could use a CSS locator > a
Dave Hunt
Thank you dave , both worked
Good to hear, generally CSS locators are better for speed and cross browser compatibility.
Dave Hunt
Hi, why CSS locators are better than XPath locators ?.
Learned browsers are not designed for XPath expressions thanks