




We are having extreme problems with our TFS 2008 server. We run our build on a separate machine but just recently it has started to fail with ever increasing frequency - about 4 out of 5 builds fail. They fail at various points during the build process and give a variety of messages, all of which terminate with the line "The underlying connection was closed. An unexpected error occurred on a receive." Looking at the IIS log on the TFS machine there are many lines that say "503 Microsoft+Team+Foundation+Server+Application+Pool" We've examined the machine and we don't think it's a load problem. Any ideas anyone?


I would take a closer look at Perfmon on the Application Tier machine. Look at both TFS counters (like response time), as well as general IIS counters. Additionally, take a look at your Data Tier. We had similar issues with build times increasing exponentially, which then started sprouting 503 / 505 errors.

When we started seeing the issue, we finally tracked it down to the fact that we were trying to check out a bunch of assemblies as part of our build, and the assemblies are marked as only being allowed to be checked out exclusively. This was causing a lot of database contention. Once we changed that file type to allow shared checkouts, our build problems went away.

To make this change:

  1. In Visual Studio, go to the menu Team->Server Settings->Source Control File Types

  2. Find the entry for Executable Files

  3. Set File Merging to Enabled

Thanks Robaticus, We also check out executables as part of the build. I've changed those settings and will let you know how we get on.
david putman
well after a long investigation and much network monitoring we found an issue in one of the virtual devices in our vlan. Don't ask me what it was but our network team decided that moving the build onto the same vlan as the TFS server would be the best solution as it didn't involve them in any hard work. There is still a lot of denial as to whether it was a network issue but it's been working OK ever since. Ah well! C'est la vie :)Thanks to everyone that made contributions.
david putman