



In SQL Server I could copy sql code out of an application and paste it into SSMS, declare & assign vars that exist in the sql and run.. yay great debugging scenario.

e.g. (please note I am rusty and syntax may be incorrect)

declare @x as varchar(10)
set @x = 'abc'
select * from sometable where somefield = @x

I want to do something similar with postgres in pgadmin3 (or another postgres tool, any recommendations?) where I can just drop my sql (params & all) into something that will run again postgresql db.

I realise you can create pgscript, but it doesn't appear to be very good, for example, if I do the equlivent of above, it doesn't put the single quotes around the value in @x, nor does it let me by doubling them up and you don't get a table out after - only text...

Currently I have a peice of sql someone has written that has 3 unique varibles in it which are used around 6 times each...

So the question is how do other people debug sql this sql EFFICIENTLY, preferably in a simular fashion to my sql server days.


I would give a shot at writing a SQL function that wraps your query. It can be something as simple as

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_function(integer, integer) 
RETURNS integer
    SELECT $1 + $2;

SELECT my_function(1, 2);

I would do this instead of a PREPARE since it will be simpler to update it. Depending on how complex the function is, you might want to also look at some of the other PL's in Postgres.

Not really what I was after. I don't want to have to write a function each time I need to debug SQL. Also I don't think the output would be what I require.
Mr Shoubs
If all you're looking for is a way to use the variables in your query a function like that to wrap your query is really easy. What sort of output are you looking for?
the output I would get if I ran the query, or the debugger output. This definantly isn't the solution to the question - maybe there isn't an answer - I was thinking there was maybe an pgAdmin alternative I could use. I just want to paste my code into the sql window, set my vars then run it.
Mr Shoubs
Ah, yeah there is no way to do that in pgAdmin that I'm aware of. Without using a PL there isnt a way to just set vars in PG.

SQL procs are notoriously hard to debug. My lame but practical solution has been to write log messages to a log table, like this (please excuse syntax issues):

create table log_message (
  log_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
  message varchar(1000)

then add lines to your stored proc like:

insert into log_message (message) values ("The value of x is " || @x);

Then after a run:

select * from log_message order by 1;

It's not pretty, but works in every DB.

I don't think their hard to debug at all. Esp in sql server. Sorry, this isn't what I'm looking for.
Mr Shoubs

The closest I can suggest is to use a linked server query from SQL Server.

Mr Shoubs
not that this is what I really want either...
Mr Shoubs

or if you have a budget... SQL Assistant, unfortunately, I don't.

Mr Shoubs