



I have only recently started to study (with the hopes of mastering) C++, one because i have started to love it and two because it's a good career/profession move.

At the same time i wish to quantify my knowledge and skill so as to set my self apart from those who just throw C/C++ on their resumes and fish.

Is there an open, industry and community recognized way of quantifying ones knowledge and skill in C++?

I have looked at Brainbench, MS C++ certificates, and other online certification sites which offer to rate you at $50-$200 per test however there doesn't seem to be a standard on how to rate knowledge and skill.

It's one thing for MS or Oracle/Sun to have certifications for their products but C++ is a standard, shouldn't there be a standard way or rating one's knowledge and skill there in?


+12  A: 

You can have all of the certificates, buzzwords, etc. on your resume, but the only thing that is going to separate you from the pack is the code you write. Your resume will likely be similar to other resumes. You can stand out here with extra curricular programming (side projects, open source contributions etc.).

If you really want to separate yourself from the pack it'll happen when you code at an interview. I could find three people with similar resumes to interview, but I will not be equipped to choose the best candidate until I see how they tackle a problem with many possible solutions.

Trust me, the code writing portion of the interview will tell you immediately who just threw C++ on their resume to fatten it up.

Ben Burnett

One way might be to create some demo projects that you can show off. In terms of $$, probably cheaper than a certificate, in terms of time, maybe not. Maybe you could put a download link on your resume so people can actually SEE it. Of course, you would have to be able to explain during the interview in detail what makes your demo so cool. On the other hand, I'm not in HR so I don't know if that would actually work.

i had tried a demo project, before i got this job (i was writing a java compiler), truth of the matter is, employers dont care about demo projects unless more than 2 people are involved in it. good thought though.
+2  A: 

This is not really c++ specific - it's the same for every language.

There isn't really any way to set yourself apart based on resume alone since so many people fudge their experience. IMHO, certifications also don't mean much either, as it is very easy to forget a language you have not practiced. Many certifications also check "trivia" rather than actual skills.

Potential employers will primarily look at your development experience as a whole, do a screening test, and then do an onsite interview. They will have their way of quantifying your skills and determining whether they meet their needs.

Focus on becoming a good developer and on being able to interview well - that means reviewing core CS if you are not too familiar with it. A good algorithm book will do much more for your career than any certification ever would.

+1  A: 

You could answer some questions here and build a body of work that you can point to.

This would also establish you as a helpful person and good at communicating.

+5  A: 

Rather than showing your skills to a certifier, show them to the public. Blog. Speak at user groups (a challenge if you're a C++ person, as I well know, groups tend to want other topics these days). Write some code and put it somewhere for others to use. Jump on a beta and take the time to put it through its paces, and submit intelligent bug reports through the proper channels. Make one of those "what features are in the new version of the compiler" lists - next time, people have already made them for C++0x and the current releases of the big compilers. Write an article for Code Project, they're C++ friendly. Answer questions here. Do all this under your real name.

In a year or two, this public profile of obvious skill and generous sharing will set you apart from the crowd. And you will have actually learned more than if you had just studied for tests.

Kate Gregory
@Kate, +1: blogging and browsing/answering questions on StackOverflow greatly increased my knowledge.
But when blogging, answering etc. it's a good idea to only do so if you know have opinions that can be becked up technically and/or know the correct answers to the questions. For someone just starting out in C++, I would not recommend posting answers here, for example, unless don't mind being down-voted. This site exists primarily to give correct technical answers, not to train the answerers, though that may be by-product.
@Neil, completely agree. Loud asked how to demonstrate skills rather than acquire them. If you have some skills, sharing what you know will result in you learning more than if you weren't sharing. Oversharing (or overconfident sharing) when you're still new will not serve you well, that's for sure.
Kate Gregory
@Kate, +1: Excellent response, although more apt for someone who's moving from the intermediate to advanced level. For the beginner to intermediate, public code contribution is probably a great place to learn the tricks of the trade.

At my last interview I included a small, business card sized CD with some sample code on it. In it I used operator overloading to implement a sort of first-order logic syntax. I didn't include it with the resume but instead gave it at the end of my interview, which I'd already won. I'd probably consider attaching it directly to my resume next time.

I did get an offer. Didn't take it (couldn't get past the agreement they wanted me to sign before getting the official offer--had a submit to medical procedures clause) but it would have been mine. I don't think the CD was the deciding factor but I could tell they were impressed by my submitting it.

Noah Roberts

Do all of the above, but I know some people find value in certifications. If you want something for free, look at oDesk. I don't know if they have C++ but they do have a lot of useful tests. They also have a API to their tests/certifications, if you want to link in directly. It helps make them public. I am sure eLance and others do the same.

Dave Wilson

Practice makes a man perfect. More you code better you become . Certifications are just an entry point for an interview . The thing which differentiate you from others are the way you execute things . Keep yourself up to date .

Create your own blog. Participate in blog discussion . Think out of box.

All the best
