



I have a class and few functions that I need to test against multiple sets of data. I load these data from flat files. I understand that I can load a file in the setUp() method and run my tests, but how do I load multiple sets of data and test the same functions against those data?

+1  A: 
class MyTestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

    private $_testObjects = array();

    public function setUp() 
        // load the files, unserialize the objects 
        // and store them in the $_testObjects array

    public function getTestObjects()
        return $this->_testObjects;

    public function testA()
         foreach ($this->getTestObjects() as $obj) {
             // execute assertion/s

    public function testB()
         foreach ($this->getTestObjects() as $obj) {
             // execute assertion/s

    // ...
I did something similar already, thank you for the answer :)Its almost the same, but instead of all files in the setUp() function, I loaded them individually inside each of my functions. My objects are fairly heavy, so don't want to load all of them in one shot.Thanks again.
6 half dozen. I really think you should try testing loading them in one shot. What are you actually trying to test for? Deserialize/Some logic/Reserialize? Don't you actually have the source code files in which the objects are initially created? I would test with the original source code files.