I'm creating a (Java) class to represent an object in a musical score that has a specific onset time, and possibly a duration as well. I need a good name for this class. Is something like "Timed" or "TimedObject" appropriate? I've tried to come up with something that ends in "-able" (like Runnable) but I can't think of anything good; "OnsetTimeable" sounds silly, because "OnsetTime" isn't a verb. I don't really like "MusicalObject" either since that doesn't imply the object has an onset time (a "musical object" could be anything related to the score).
Update: Musically, this class represents an abstraction of something that happens at a point in time in the score. This is supposed to be the superclass of classes like Note, KeyChange, MeterChange, DynamicMarking, TempoMark, etc.