I'm using a UILabel for the titleView of a navigation bar (I'm making simple in-app web browser). It works fine, except that when I present a modal view controller, the titleView shifts from the center of the navbar to the far left (underneath the back button). I've tested in 3.0 and up. Here is relevant code:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Title view label
CGRect labelFrame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 120.0, 36.0);
UILabel *label = [[[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:labelFrame] autorelease];
label.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:14];
label.numberOfLines = 2;
label.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
label.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
label.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
label.shadowColor = [UIColor blackColor];
label.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0.0, -1.0);
label.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeMiddleTruncation;
self.navigationItem.titleView = label;
MFMailComposeViewController *picker = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
picker.mailComposeDelegate = self;
[self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES];
[picker release];
Screenshots: http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/7968/titleviewshift.jpg
Any idea why this is happening? Thanks.