So basically, I've got a rather large Django project going. It's a private web portal that allows users to manage various phone-related tasks.
Several pages of the portal provide a listing of Model objects to users, and list all of their attributes in a HTML table (so that users can visually look through a list of these items).
The problem I'm having is: I cannot find a Django-ish or pythonic way to handle the sorting of these Model objects by field name. As an example of what I'm talking about, here is one of my views which lists all Partyline
Model objects:
def list_partylines(request):
List all `Partyline`s that we own.
# Figure out which sort term to use.
sort_field = request.REQUEST.get('sortby', 'did').strip()
if sort_field.startswith('-'):
search = sort_field[1:]
sort_toggle = ''
search = sort_field
sort_toggle = '-'
# Check to see if the sort term is valid.
if not (search in Partyline._meta.get_all_field_names()):
sort_field = 'did'
if is_user_type(request.user, ['admin']):
partylines = Partyline.objects.all().order_by(sort_field)
partylines = get_my_partylines(request.user, sort_field)
variables = RequestContext(request, {
'partylines': partylines,
'sort_toggle': sort_toggle
return render_to_response('portal/partylines/list.html', variables)
The sorting code basically allows users to specify a /url/?sortby=model_field_name parameter which will then return a sorted listing of objects whenever users click on the HTML table name displayed on the page.
Since I have various views in various apps which all show a listing of Model objects, and require sorting, I'm wondering if there is a generic way to do this sorting so that I don't have to?
I'm sorry if this question is a bit unclear, I'm struggling to find the right way to phrase this question.