



I have a x86_64 app that I would like to have optionally read Skype status messages. However, the 5 year old skype mac framework is 32-bit, and if there is a way to have that compile within a 64-bit app, I haven't found it.

My question is, basically, how should I go about doing this? I really only need to get and set the USERSTATUS AWAY/ONLINE string.

Using AppleScript, a "Should Skype allow this" dialog pops up... every time. This is highly inefficient and downright irritating.


I'm considering writing a 32-bit CLI wrapper, but that seems like overkill.

BUMP - Still no responses from Skype devs either.


Check out Scripting Bridge: Introduction to Scripting Bridge Programming Guide for Cocoa

well, after a day or two of messing with this, it has the exact same problems as AppleScript - there's no way to save the "I've given permission to use skype" dialog. Are there any other options.
Andrew J. Freyer

I used NSDistributedNotification center. Works like a charm for 64bit.

Andrew J. Freyer

If I remember right, the permission dialog does not come up once you allow permission.

I my Skype Apple Scripts I have to GUI to click them. If they come up.

tell application "Skype" to launch
delay 15
(* this part if the security API window comes up*)
tell application "System Events"
    tell application process "Skype"
        if exists (radio button "Allow this application to use Skype" of radio group 1 of window "Skype API Security") then
            delay 0.5
            click button "OK" of window "Skype API Security"
        end if
    end tell
end tell
delay 5
Yeah - I was using something similar to this, but the window was just unacceptable for what I was doing. If you're familiar with cocoa and obj C and require a 64-bit application, I'd suggest NSDistributedNotification center. WOrks great for my situation, without the Skype Framework, applescript, or scriping bridge.
Andrew J. Freyer