



I have a list of file paths and a destination path. I need something (AppleScript, Cocoa) that will move the files from one location to an other. I first tried using the following AppleScript, just to see what happens:

set the_folder to (choose folder)
tell application "Finder"
    move selection to the_folder
end tell

The problem is that it just blindly tries to move a file, nothing like the way Finder actually moves files (i.e. if a file with that name already exists, the AppleScript just throws an error, while Finder would ask you if you want to replace the file).

The solution I came up with involved NSFileManager. I won't post the code because it's quite long, but basically I just check if the file already exists before trying to move, and if it exists a NSAlert with Replace/Cancel buttons appear.

I have 2 remaining problems: Authorization - if you try to do something to files where you don't have access, the Finder would ask you to authorize. My code just fails... Moving to external drives - when you try to move a file to a different drive, NSFileManager copies the file and then deletes the original. The problem is that NSFileManager doesn't provide anything which I could use to display a progress indicator of what's happening during the copy.

Is there anything I could use that is able to move files without these problems? The way I see it, I'm pretty much stuck with checking if the files are writable by the current user and authorize NSFileManager if not (from my understanding of the Authorization Services, this will be quite hard to implement). Oh and, I would also need to check if the destination is on the same drive and if not, implement something with FSCopyObjectAsync so that it shows a progress indicator...
