Here is my solution that came out of this discussion. Thanks to everyone for suggestions.
>>> import logging
>>> logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
>>> from hierlogger import hierlogger as logger
>>> def main():
... logger().debug("test")
>>> main()
By default it will name logger as ... You can also control the depth by providing parameter:
3 - module.class.method default
2 - module.class
1 - module only
Logger instances are also cached to prevent calculating logger name on each call.
I hope someone will enjoy it.
The code:
import logging
import inspect
class NullHandler(logging.Handler):
def emit(self, record): pass
def hierlogger(level=3):
callerFrame = inspect.stack()[1]
caller = callerFrame[0]
lname = '__heirlogger'+str(level)+'__'
if lname not in caller.f_locals:
loggerName = str()
if level >= 1:
loggerName += inspect.getmodule(inspect.stack()[1][0]).__name__
except: pass
if 'self' in caller.f_locals and (level >= 2):
loggerName += ('.' if len(loggerName) > 0 else '') +
if callerFrame[3] != '' and level >= 3:
loggerName += ('.' if len(loggerName) > 0 else '') + callerFrame[3]
caller.f_locals[lname] = logging.getLogger(loggerName)
return caller.f_locals[lname]