I'm developing an iPhone application that show the camera's view with this code:
-(void) displayAR {
[rootViewController presentModalViewController:[self cameraController] animated:NO];
[displayView setFrame:[[[self cameraController] view] bounds]];
And hide the camera's view with this code:
- (void) hideAR {
[[self locationManager] stopUpdatingHeading];
[[self locationManager] stopUpdatingLocation];
[[self accelerometerManager] release];
[rootViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
When I call hideAR, I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS with the following debugger screenshot:
Any advice?
I've changed hideAR code with this and I'm getting the same error:
- (void) hideAR {
[rootViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
I've checked rootViewController and it isn't nil.
As you can see on debugger's screenshot, the last method called (the first on the stack) is: [UIWindowController transitionViewDidComplete:fromView:toView]
Maybe, there is something accessing camera´s view after it was dismissed.
The class containing these methods is:
@implementation AugmentedRealityController
@synthesize locationManager;
@synthesize accelerometerManager;
@synthesize displayView;
@synthesize centerCoordinate;
@synthesize scaleViewsBasedOnDistance;
@synthesize rotateViewsBasedOnPerspective;
@synthesize maximumScaleDistance;
@synthesize minimumScaleFactor;
@synthesize maximumRotationAngle;
@synthesize centerLocation;
@synthesize coordinates = coordinates;
@synthesize debugMode;
@synthesize currentOrientation;
@synthesize degreeRange;
@synthesize rootViewController;
@synthesize cameraController;
- (id)initWithViewController:(UIViewController *)vc {
coordinates = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
coordinateViews = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
latestHeading = -1.0f;
debugView = nil;
[self setRootViewController: vc];
[self setDebugMode:NO];
[self setMaximumScaleDistance: 0.0];
[self setMinimumScaleFactor: 1.0];
[self setScaleViewsBasedOnDistance: NO];
[self setRotateViewsBasedOnPerspective: NO];
[self setMaximumRotationAngle: M_PI / 6.0];
CGRect screenRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
[self setDisplayView: [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: screenRect]];
[self setCurrentOrientation:UIDeviceOrientationPortrait];
[self setDegreeRange:[[self displayView] bounds].size.width / 12];
[vc setView:displayView];
[self setCameraController: [[[UIImagePickerController alloc] init] autorelease]];
[[self cameraController] setSourceType: UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera];
[[self cameraController] setCameraViewTransform: CGAffineTransformScale([[self cameraController] cameraViewTransform], 1.13f, 1.13f)];
[[self cameraController] setShowsCameraControls:NO];
[[self cameraController] setNavigationBarHidden:YES];
[[self cameraController] setCameraOverlayView:displayView];
CLLocation *newCenter = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:37.41711 longitude:-122.02528];
[self setCenterLocation: newCenter];
[newCenter release];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
name: UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification
[[UIDevice currentDevice] beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications];
// Inicializa el gestor del GPS y el del acelerómetro.
[self startListening];
return self;
I've put some NSLog trace, and I see that displayAR is called after hideAR call. I also see that viewDidAppear
method on rootViewController
is also called after hideAR. Actually, viewDidAppear
is calling displayAR
Why is called viewDidAppear?
I've found the line that is failing. This is the first line on displayAR
[rootViewController presentModalViewController:[self cameraController] animated:NO];
Any ideas? rootViewController
and cameraController
aren't nil.
If you want to reproduce my error:
I'm using nielswh's iPhone-AR-Toolkit (you can download it here).
You can modify the ARKitDemo example include it with the library and try to dismissModalView.