Hi all ,
I am downloading and then parsing some data on separate thread and then updating my ui on main thread with the following code but in this scenario I am getting animation "glitch" . I have read this word somewhere .
- (void)didFinishParsing2:(NSArray *)appList
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(handleLoadedApps2:) withObject:appList waitUntilDone:NO];
self.queue = nil; // we are finished with the queue and our ParseOperation
- (void)handleLoadedApps2:(NSArray *)loadedApps{
[activityLabel removeFromSuperview];
self.controller.MyArray = (MyClass *)[arrMyArray objectAtIndex:0];
[[MySharedClass sharedSource].detailSource setObject:self.controller.MyArray forKey:someObject];
self.controller.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES;
isPushed = YES;
[[self navigationController] pushViewController:self.controller animated:YES];
All the above code is working very fine . I am just getting a little animation glitch which is looking very bad .
what can be the possible causes of an animation glitch while updating the ui on main thread .
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong so that I can remove the animation glitch .