



After getting some responses, the current situation is that I'm using this tip: (Listing 1. Turning ResultSets into XML), and XMLWriter for Java from . Basically, it reads date from the database and writes them to a file as characters, using column names to create opening and closing tags. While doing so, I need to make two changes to the input stream, namely to the dates and numbers.

// Iterate over the set
        while ( {
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                Object ob = rs.getObject(i + 1);
                if (rs.wasNull()) {
                    ob = null;
                String colName = meta.getColumnLabel(i + 1);
                if (ob != null ) {
                    if (ob instanceof Timestamp) {
                        w.dataElement(colName, Util.formatDate((Timestamp)ob, dateFormat)); 
                    else if (ob instanceof BigDecimal){
                        w.dataElement(colName, Util.transformToHTML(new Integer(((BigDecimal)ob).intValue())));
                    else {
                        w.dataElement(colName, ob.toString());

                } else {


The SQL that gets the results has the to_number command (e.g. to_number(sif.ID) ID ) and the to_date command (e.g. TO_DATE (sif.datum_do, 'DD.MM.RRRR') datum_do). The problems are that the returning date is a timestamp, meaning I don't get 14.02.2010 but rather 14.02.2010 00:00:000 so I have to format it to the format. The second problem are the numbers; for some reason, they are in database as varchar2 and can have leading zeroes that need to be stripped; I'm guessing I could do that in my SQL with the trim function so the Util.transformToHTML is unnecessary (for clarification, here's the method):

public static String transformToHTML(Integer number) {
String result = "";
try {
  result = number.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {}
return result;


What I'd like to know is a) Can I get the date in the format I want and skip additional processing thus shortening the processing time? b) Is there a better way to do this? We're talking about XML files that are in the 50 MB - 250 MB filesize category.


I'm sorry, if I don't give an exact answer to your question, but you should have a look at the castor project. It provides a very good API for transferring xml-data to java objects to database persistence and vice versa.

I'll look into it, tnx.

Hi there! If you're using MSSQL you should try the following for you date issue:

SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), sif.datum_do, 104) AS datum_do_format

For your second problem I don't have a solution right now, I'm sorry.

i'm not sure casting inside DB will be faster than in code, depends on what he does with xml file and where it resides.
Well, after I generate the file, it is zipped and people are notified via e-mail that they can download it.
+3  A: 

Have you tried SQLXML or dbms_xmlgen? It's probably the faster way, and you can get the result as a Blob. The output of dbms_xmlgen seems very similar to your output. Examples(source: :

select dbms_xmlgen.getxml('
  2          select department_name
  3          from departments
  4          where department_id in (20,110)
  5          ') xml
  6  from dual
  7  /

<?xml version="1.0"?>

select  xmlelement ("company",
           xmlagg (xmlelement ("department",
           xmlelement ("name", dept.department_name),
           xmlelement ("emps",
             (select xmlagg (xmlelement ("employee",
               xmlattributes (emp.employee_id as "id"),
               xmlforest (emp.first_name as "first_name")))
             from    employees emp
             where emp.department_id = dept.department_id)
       ).getClobVal() xml
from departments dept

            <employee id = "201">
            <employee id = "202">
            <employee id = "205">
            <employee id = "206">

As you see, you can get the output as a clob with getclobval().

Formatting the date is pretty trivial with to_char and to_number() know that leading zeroes are meaningless:

  > select to_char(sysdate, 'ddmmyyyy') from dual;

> select to_number('0003') from dual;

Doing it in the database would change the whole logic of the app, but thank you for the suggestion anyway. As for the to_number, I have it but it does not remove leading zeroes; will test it again with the to_char function, tnx for that.
You can also remove the leading zeroes with LTRIM, for example: SELECT LTRIM('0003','0') FROM DUAL.

If you have control over the format of the XML you can use Simple XML. It offers a very high performance Java POJO to XML serialization and deserialization framework. You can also intercept the deserialization of various types like the dates you mention. By implementing a transform you can simply convert the date formats. The tutorial illustrates what is possible here Simple.

As with the castor project suggestion, I'll look into it, thank you.