




here's my problem at hand:

I need to analyze audio data in realtime to find out the amplitude of the signal I can't use the AudioQueue metering functionality because it has too much delay for detecting peaks I have studied the aurioTouch example..... however... I simply don't understand how the PCM coded buffer is converted back to the waveform displayed in the oscilloscope view. It would be exactly this wavefore I want to analyze for amplitude.

In my callback when I analyze the buffer it only has 0 and -1 in it - when using NSLog(@"%d"). This makes sense I guess because it is PCM. ??????

I can't find the place in aurioTouch where the magic of transforming the 0 / -1 stream into a waveform happens :-((

Also once I have the waveform in memory how do I analyze the amplitude and how to convert this reading into dB?

I don't want to use FFT because I am not interested in the frequency and I hope there are other ways.

