Hello, I am currently experimenting having a FBML comment box within a FBML popup dialogbox. This is done within a FBML Profile Tab application.
The code is something like this:
<fb:dialog id="video_1" width="800" height="800">
<fb:dialog-title>Video 1</fb:dialog-title>
<div style="overflow:auto;height:100%;">
<fb:comments xid="video1_comments" canpost="true" candelete="false" >
<fb:title>Comments on this video</fb:title>
<fb:dialog-button type="button" value="Close" close_dialog=1 />
<a href="#" clicktoshowdialog="video_1" >View Video<a />
I am able to invoke the dialog overlay, and it displays the comment box.
However nothing happens when I click on "Add a comment".
With the exact same comment box outside the dialog box, it works fine. Has anyone tried such an implementation?