


+3  Q: 

SQL Update help

I have a really simple question, is it possible to update a table with new values using just one update statement.

Say for example I have a table with author, title, date, popularity. Now I got some new data which has author name, title corresponding new popularity. How do I update the table now in one statement. Note that author and title are not unique.


If I'm understanding you correctly, something like this should work:

update books set popularity=? where author=? and title=?

...where ? is a placeholder.

Edit: According to your comment, you want to create it if it doesn't exist and update it if it does. I don't think you can do that with one statement, but I might be wrong. In two statements, you could use this to check if it exists already:

select count(*) from books where author=? and title=? limit 1

That would output 1 if it exists or 0 if it doesn't. From there you can choose whether to insert or update.

+1  A: 

Since I posted a comment, I'll post an answer as well. @icktoofay posted one solution, but using this link we can follow that it's actually going to cause a table scan, so instead try Jeremiah Clark's solution of:

UPDATE Table1 SET (...) WHERE Column1='SomeValue'
    INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (...)

Note that this tries to update first, and if it succeeds, @@ROWCOUNT will be 1 or more, but I'm making the assumption you'll be using T-SQL (Microsoft's SQL language). I don't know that @@ROWCOUNT is supported by any other platforms.

hey. i couldn't write the comment properly, so I wrote it as an answer.. could you please look into it and let me know if it is possible or not. Thanks.
Sainath Mallidi

I've used this in SQL Anywhere (not sure what DBMS you're using, though)

INSERT INTO "books" ("title", "author", "popularity") ON EXISTING UPDATE VALUES(?,?,?);

So if the record exists, it simply updates it. Otherwise, create a new record.

I think we need to know his platform too... I'll add another comment on the question
Yeah, and I'm not sure off the top of my head if the 'ON EXISTING UPDATE' is a vendor extension or not.

Say my table is at this state

"Briggs" "My Next Master" Jun,2009 10
"Millis" "Man up, Nut head" Mar,2005 3 
"Browne" "Infinite Improbable" Aug,2007 6

And these popularities changed and we have another file with

"Briggs" "My Next Master" 6 
"Millis" "Man up, Nut head" 3

Can we update the corresponding entries in the original table or am I asking something that is not do-able in one statement (using Oracle in Rails).

Sainath Mallidi
So you want to pass a table of update values into a sproc, and have the update script update all the values in one pass? Yes, that's doable, but I don't know what Oracle's capabilities are, only TSQL. Also, in the future you can edit the original question to add more detail.
+4  A: 

You can do it in a single statement using Oracle's MERGE statement:

MERGE DestinationTable target
        Select 'Briggs' Author, 'My Next Master' Title, 6 Popularity
        Union All Select 'Millis', 'Man up, Nut head', 3
        ) Z
        ON Z.Author = target.Author
            And Z.Title = target.Title
    UPDATE SET target.Popularity = Z.Popularity
    Insert(Author, Title, Popularity) Values(Z.Author, Z.Title, Z.Popularity);

Oracle's MERGE statement

Pretty cool. Thanks. Just for the sake of knowing, is there anything similar in other SQL platforms?@sameera mentioned `ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE` which is also kinda cool. Specifically is there anything for sqlite?
Sainath Mallidi
@Cyborgo - Yes. SQL Server 2008 supports pretty much the same MERGE syntax.
@Cyborgo - AFAIK, SQLIte does not support MERGE.
@Thomas ~ I was about to ask the same question, thanks for the info re: MERGE for SQL Server 2k8. New tool in my bag!

Hi Cyborgo

In mySQL you have a command called something called 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE' and I found the same for oracle (its called Merge)

take a look at this article

cheers, sameera
