in my application i try to trace an incoming call using AbstractPhoneListener. The call gets traced but the problem is that it generates an error and i have to exit the simulator
I tested on device but when a call arrives nothing happens as i have tried to do!!!!
ERROR = "Access violation reading from 0x00000004"
public class CallTrace extends AbstractPhoneListener
public void callIncoming(int callId)
PhoneCall call = Phone.getCall(callId);
String callNumber = call.getDisplayPhoneNumber();l
System.out.println("call traced!!!!!!!!");
public class BackgroundListener extends Thread
private static PersistentObject timeStore,NPZstore;
private static Vector timeVector,mode;
static CallTrace calltrace;
String[] time1,time2;
int time1Flag=0,time2Flag=0;
public BackgroundListener()
calltrace = new CallTrace();
boolean stopThread = false;
public void run()
while (!stopThread)
//do some coding here like matching of dates etc.that works well
sleep(6000) ;
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("exception in background thread:"+e);
public synchronized void stop()
stopThread = true;
protected void onExit()
public class HomeScreen extends UiApplication implements GlobalEventListener
private static PersistentObject NPZstore;
private static Vector mode;
static boolean modeValue=false;
static BackgroundListener obj;
public static void main(String[] args)
if(args!=null && args[0].equals("gui"))
HomeScreen homescreen = new HomeScreen();
obj = new BackgroundListener();
pushScreen(new WorkScreen());
public void eventOccurred(long guid, int data0, int data1, Object object0,
Object object1)
class WorkScreen extends MainScreen
CustomButtonField REDbutton,GREENbutton;
HorizontalFieldManager hfmRED,hfmGREEN;
private static PersistentObject NPZstore;
private static Vector mode;
boolean modeValue=false;
static CallTrace calltrace;
PopupScreen selectBluetoothType;
final Bitmap background2;
public WorkScreen()
//adding some fields here