Is it OK to have the following code in my constructor to load an XML document into a member variable - throwing to caller if there are any problems:
MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr m_docPtr; //member
HRESULT hr = m_docPtr.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MSXML2::DOMDocument40));
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr))
throw MyException("Could not create instance of Dom");
LogError("Exception when loading xml");
Based on Scott Myers RAII implementations in More Effective C++ he cleanups if he alocates any resources i.e. pointers:
BookEntry::BookEntry(const string& name,
const string& address,
const string& imageFileName,
const string& audioClipFileName)
: theName(name), theAddress(address),
theImage(0), theAudioClip(0)
try { // this try block is new
if (imageFileName != "") {
theImage = new Image(imageFileName);
if (audioClipFileName != "") {
theAudioClip = new AudioClip(audioClipFileName);
catch (...) { // catch any exception
delete theImage; // perform necessary
delete theAudioClip; // cleanup actions
throw; // propagate the exception
I believe I am alright in just allowing exceptions to be thrown from CTOR as I am using a smart pointer(IXMLDOMDocumentPtr).
Let me know what you think....