



I want to cast the const-ness out of a boost::shared_ptr, but I boost::const_pointer_cast is not the answer. boost::const_pointer_cast wants a const boost::shared_ptr, not a boost::shared_ptr. Let's forego the obligitory 'you shouldn't be doing that'. I know... but I need to do it... so what's the best/easiest way to do it?

For clarity sake:

boost::shared_ptr<const T> orig_ptr( new T() );

boost::shared_ptr<T> new_ptr = magic_incantation(orig_ptr);

I need to know the magic_incantation()


+5  A: 

boost::const_pointer_cast is the function you want to use:

boost::shared_ptr<const int> ci(new int(42));
boost::shared_ptr<int> i(boost::const_pointer_cast<int>(ci));

Does that not work for you? I tested that with both Boost 1.43 and the Visual C++2010 C++0x implementation--no issues with either.

James McNellis
Actually... it did work for me when I specified the template parameter. For some reason when I did it the first time I didn't use it and was then fooled by the compiler's error message. Thanks.
@Flevine: Yeah, `const_pointer_cast`, like the C++ `const_cast`, can add or remove both const and volatile qualifiers, so the desired target qualification isn't known without specifying it. I'm glad to have helped.
James McNellis

Note that other "shareholders" will be very surprised, to say the least, if a shared const T suddenly changes...
