



I have a Profile model/controller in my cake app as well as an index.ctp view in /views/profiles. Now, when I go to add a column to my table that is already filled with data, and then add the corresponding code to the view to pick up this column's data, it just gives me an empty result.

My model:

        class Profile extends AppModel
                var $name = 'Profile';


My controller:

        class ProfilesController extends AppController
                var $name = 'Profiles';
                function index()
                        $this->set('profiles', $this->Profile->find('all'));

My views printing (stripped down):

<?php foreach ($profiles as $profile): ?>

<?php echo $profile['Profile']['id']; ?>
<?php echo $profile['Profile']['username']; ?>
<?php echo $profile['Profile']['created']; ?>
<?php echo $profile['Profile']['thumbnail'];?>
<?php echo $profile['Profile']['account'];?>

<?php endforeach; ?>

Basically, the columns id, username, column, thumbnail always have been printing fine, but when I add a column called accountit returns no information (nothing prints, but no errors). Any suggestions?

+3  A: 

I would delete the files in app/tmp/cache (but keep the directories).

Yep, or ensure `debug = 2` in your app config when developing and it'll rebuild the cache every time