Seems like there are 2 ways to go - either your sprites are laid out in a regular fashion and so can be picked off the sprite sheet in a programmatic way, like this first example. The other way is to use a tool like Zwoptex to create the sprite sheet and a corresponding plist that tells Cocos2d where to find the images on the sheet, see second example.
Tutorial for getting sprites off a sheet, using a regular layout:
The basics are:
- Get your images into one large image/texture
- Create a CCSpriteSheet using that texture
- Create a CCSprite using one of the images in your sprite sheet
- Create a CCAnimation and populate it with CCSpriteFrame's - each representing a frame in the animation
- Create a CCAnimate action to manage showing each frame and run it on sprite, voila.
The alternative is to use a tool like Zwoptex to configure your images on a sheet which will export the sprite sheet and a plist of details of the images on it.
The first third of this tutorial explains it:
Hope that helps,