



OK, deploying ASP.NET MVC seems to be painful. I want to deploy my ASP.NET MVC application on Windows XP (IIS 5.1), but can't seem to find how to do it. When I type the application name into the web browser address bar I get a "website not available" message.

There are workarounds for IIS 6.0, but what about IIS 5.1?

+1  A: 

The same process (using Ionic rewriter) which works for 6.0 works for us on 5.x. What do you see in the Windows App Event log? And the IIS server log? Have you tried a rewriter?

Craig Stuntz
+9  A: 

You need to add a wildcard mapping in IIS 5. In IIS 6 you have a specific section to add wildcard mappings. In IIS 5 you map the extension .* and you select your ISAPI dll. If the "Ok" button is not clickable, click in the textbox of the dll path and it should then be clickable (don't ask, this happens to me all the time).

and what if its still grayed out when I click on the textbox ??
It is a bug on IIS 5.1.Workaround: After browsing for the ISAPI dll, click in the file text box to expand the full path, this will activate the OK button.
Schalk Versteeg
this deserves a +10 for the grayed out "OK" trick
Darko Z
+1 thanks for the heads up on the gotcha
Ralph Willgoss
+21  A: 

Here's what I found out and what worked for me: Deploy ASP.NET MVC App on Windows XP (IIS 5.1)


For the latest release of ASP.NET MVC, replace .mvc with a wildcard .* Extension textbox in the Add/Edit Application Extension mapping.

Ngu Soon Hui

To host ASP .NET MVC applications in Windows XP, use IIS Developer Express. There is currently no download link, but you can use the server embedded as part of the WebMatrix installation (x86).

After WebMatrix installs, open a command prompt at C:\Program Files\Microsoft WebMatrix and execute the following (substituting where necessary):

iisexpress.exe /path:[path_to_mvc_project] /port:[port] /systray:true /clr:v2.0
