I'm looking for a maven plugin that would generate ActionScript3 classes from Java classes in order to access them by object remoting. I've seen FlexMojo but it uses the GraniteDS generator wich create some problems when it comes to map Enum objects (wich can be fix through a workaround that is describe here : http://dev.c-ware.de/confluence/display/PUBLIC/Flexmojos+generated+AS3+model+with+Enum+support+using+BlazeDS?focusedCommentId=7634946&#comment-7634946 if you've googled your way here this might be useful) when working with BlazeDS.
Everything that i found so far are people who explain how to generate VO classes on flex side using Flash Builder 4, but this solution can not be used in an industrial developpement environnement.
Thanks in advance for any leads on this matter.