i added a profile field to registration form. how to show in edit registration (account) form . i wrote a module for edit account in that $form [function editregistration_form_user_profile_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) ] doesn't contain the values of custom profile fields.
If you are using the core Profile module, profile fields have a setting that you can check off that say 'Show in registration form' when you edit them.
2010-06-10 13:32:39
my problem is edit account not registration
2010-06-10 13:39:45
It should appear there too. If you've added them to a Profile Category, you need to output $tabs2 in your page.tpl.php or you won't see them. Then again, this is only if you are using the core Profile module which makes this all really simple.
2010-06-10 14:03:34
thank you kevin
2010-06-11 05:49:20
The name of that function looks a bit funny. What's your module called? And the form id?
There's a bit about naming hook_form_alter functions in the 'Writing the Module' section of this: http://www.chromaticsites.com/blog/drupal-tutorial-form-overrides-and-element-specific-validations/
2010-06-10 15:40:59