



I have added the Quartz framework to my project, but when I compile I get the following errors:

ld: framework not found Quartz

Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1

Try this...

  • Delete the framework.
  • Clean all targets.
  • Shut down and restart xcode.
  • Try linking in the framework again.
  • Rebuild your application.

Any help?

Mike Howard
that did the trick! is this a funny quirk in xcode? can i prevent this from happening?
Sheehan Alam
Just something I've picked up from experience, not sure exactly why it works. I've often found xcode to be a bit funny with adding frameworks, and whenever xcode is behaving weirdly for no apparent reason, I find cleaning all targets (which makes it rebuild everything again from scratch instead of using various resources again) often fixes it, and if that doesn't, restarting it sometimes does.
Mike Howard