When I run
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
threads = []
threads << Thread.new do
loop { sleep 1 }
threads << Thread.new do
loop { sleep 1; raise }
threads.each { |t| t.join }
as a straight-up ruby script, the script exits as you'd expect with abort_on_exception set to true.
But when I try to run this same code as a rake task
task :mytask do
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
threads = []
threads << Thread.new do
loop { sleep 1 }
threads << Thread.new do
loop { sleep 1; raise }
threads.each { |t| t.join }
thread 2 aborts and pushes backtrace to the screen, but thread 1 keeps going!
Seems to be some conflict between rake and abort_on_exception. Any ideas on where to start?