



Hi there,

I was intending to have a play with git, and was wondering if anyone had used the git plugin for eclipse

I see it's at version 0.3.1, and was wondering if anyone knew how stable it was / any gotchas?



If you are using a recent version of Eclipse, your Help menu has an 'Eclipse Marketplace...' link.

Enter 'git' in the Find field. This shows me EGit.

This is also very high in the Popular plugins list.

Click install. Much easier than having to add update site locations by hand.

+2  A: 

I've used it briefly, but it was still lacking support in several important areas (it wasn't doing renames/moves properly, or something). There also was no update site available for it.

I don't remember which version it was, but this was like 6 months ago. Hopefully it is better now.

+2  A: 

You may be interested in these pointers:

+16  A: 

Github blog spoke yesterday about Egit plugin:

In the meantime, EGit moved to Eclipse:
Fabian Steeg
+4  A: 

Meanwhile EclipseGit is an "Official Eclipse Technology Project" (09-05-07 GitWiki). I use the current version 0.5.0 (the Wiki is a step behind the development) from time to time, without any problems. Version comparison, commit, revert etc. is working well, although manual refresh's (F5) are necessary when using command line or other Git clients (usual and acceptable Eclipse behavior I think).

+8  A: 

I'm using if for day-to-day work and I find it stable. Lately the plugin has made good progress and has added:

  • merge support;
  • a basic synchronise view;
  • reading of .git/info/exclude and .gitignore files.

Git repositories view

As egit is an official Eclipse project there is a good reason to hope that it will catch up in terms of lesser-used functionality as well.

Robert Munteanu
Isn't "no merge support" rather idiotic singe git's based on the idea of constant branching and merging?
@Esko: The plugin does have merge support now, thankfully.
Robert Munteanu
+12  A: 

EGit is still in eclipse incubation. You can install it using the Eclipse update manager.

  1. Select Help -> Install New Software...
  2. You probably do not have the JGit update URL in your list of sites so in the 'Work with:' field enter this url:
  3. Click Add...
  4. You should now see Eclipse Git Plugin - Integration Build (Incubation) listed as available software to install. Check it and click Next.
  5. Click Next and agree to the license and it should be installed.
Chris J
This somehow does not work for Snow Leopard running Eclipse (64-bit). The Git item does not show up in the Import menu or anywhere. :-(
Sergio Oliveira Jr.
+3  A: 

You can integrate Git-GUI with Eclipse as an alternative to EGit.

See this two part YouTube tutorial specific to Windows:


Thanks for the Git GUI videos!

Paulo Cassiano
fyi: this would have been a great comment on the Git GUI answer (rather than its own answer)
Brad Cupit
@Brad: Stack Overflow doesn't permit @Paulo to leave comments because he has less than 50 points. This is a deficiency of the SO system and not @Paulo's fault. When I first joined stack I was in the same boat.
ah, thanks for the info!
Brad Cupit

There is also gitclipse(based on JavaGit), but seems dead.

+1  A: 

I've set up EGit in Eclipse for a few of my projects and find that its a lot easier, faster to use a command line interface versus having to drill down menus and click around windows.

I would prefer something like a command line view within Eclipse to do all the Git duties.

Matt H
+2  A: 

For a command line view from within eclipse, install the Aptana Eclipse Plugin, it provides you with a console. It's an incredible productivity boost if you do a lot of terminal commands.