



How can I define, which filetypes should be work by the VisualAssit in Visual Studio 2010? I don't like, how this tool works with openCL and cuda files, therefore i would like to turn off it for thie file types (oherwise it highlights 1000 errors).



Assuming Visual Assist works based on which language editor is being used (i.e. get C++ assistance for file extensions defined as being C++ files), you can map file extensions to editors is Tools | Options | Text Editor | File Extensions.

On the other hand if Visual Assist hard codes the file extensions you will need to get in contact with the vendor.

The problem seems to be in the VS 2010. If I turn off the visual assist, then VS underlines keywords like "float4" nevertheless, though it is highlighted as key word (I habe added all cuda/opencl stuff in usertype in Common7\IDE\ folder).
+3  A: 


VAssistX\Projects\File Handling\Extentions to ignore.

Ofek Shilon
This is the solution I have looked for. But have to find out, how to set up the VS2010 for normal working with OCL/CUDA files.thx.
+1  A: 

Visual Assist does not underline errors in C/C++ files in VS2010 - that is done by the default intellisense. You can disable underlining but not on a per-file extension basis; it is all or nothing. See Tools | Options | Text Editor | C/C++ | Advanced | Disable Squiggles.

sean e
It works, but it isn't good solution. i prefer to have some underlined line.i think the topic is closed. thx all.