Hi all,
I'm using NSInvocation as follows:
In my init, I'm writing this in my viewDidLoad:
SEL mySelector;
mySelector = @selector(initParsersetId:type:);
NSMethodSignature * sig = nil;
sig = [[self class] instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:mySelector];
myInvocation = nil;
myInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:sig];
[myInvocation setTarget:self];
[myInvocation setSelector:mySelector];
And I'm calling it like this:
Idea *tempIdea = [[Idea alloc]init];
tempIdea = [genericArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
idea.ideaId = tempIdea.ideaId;
[tempIdea release];
NSNumber *_id_ = [NSNumber numberWithInt:idea.ideaId];
[myInvocation setArgument:_id_ atIndex:2]; //CRASHING AT THIS LINE
My application is crashing at the indicated line. Can anybody please help me?