



Dear reader,

I'm working on a blob matching and tracking library in C++. Currently I'm using openCV to detect blobs and try to match blobs in a new frame by checking the position, velocity and size of the blob. This works quite okay and I'm receiving a high blob match rate (95% or higher).

Sometimes blobs fall out of the image or new blobs appear. Now I need to give matched blobs the same ID as they had before. I'm wondering if there are typical or commonly used techniques for doing this. Or even some keywords I can use to google on.



I assume you have your blobs in a binary image, simply floodfill each blob with a different color/id, and register overlapping blobs between frames with the same id.

Viktor Sehr
Hi Viktor, thanks for your reply. Though this will not work with fast moving objects as they will not have overlapping pixels (for example tennis balls).