



Where would I find a list of locale name abbreviations for my project localization folders? (Such as en for English, fr for French).

I am looking to do German, Spanish and others.

+1  A: 

You should refer to ISO 639-1

+2  A: 

You can just call them English.lproj, Spanish.lproj, etc.

The "abbreviated names" are actually IETF language tags, except that you use pt_PT.lproj instead of pt-PT.lproj.

Edit: The actual list is in Replicated here:

  0. English         en
  1. French          fr
  2. German          de
  3. Italian         it
  4. Dutch           nl
  5. Swedish         sv
  6. Spanish         es
  7. Danish          da
  8. Portuguese      pt
  9. Norwegian       nb
 10. Hebrew          he
 11. Japanese        ja
 12. Arabic          ar
 13. Finnish         fi
 14. Greek           el
 15. Icelandic       is
 16. Maltese         mt
 17. Turkish         tr
 18. Croatian        hr
 19. Chinese         zh
 20. Urdu            ur
 21. Hindi           hi
 22. Thai            th
 23. Korean          ko
 24. Lithuanian      lt
 25. Polish          pl
 26. Hungarian       hu
 27. Estonian        et
 28. Latvian         lv
 29. Sami            se
 30. Faroese         fo
 31. Farsi           fa
 32. Russian         ru
 33. Chinese         zh
 34. Dutch           nl
 35. Irish           ga
 36. Albanian        sq
 37. Romanian        ro
 38. Czech           cs
 39. Slovak          sk
 40. Slovenian       sl
 41. Yiddish         yi
 42. Serbian         sr
 43. Macedonian      mk
 44. Bulgarian       bg
 45. Ukrainian       uk
 46. Byelorussian    be
 47. Uzbek           uz
 48. Kazakh          kk
 49. Azerbaijani     az
 50. Azerbaijani     az
 51. Armenian        hy
 52. Georgian        ka
 53. Moldavian       mo
 54. Kirghiz         ky
 55. Tajiki          tg
 56. Turkmen         tk
 57. Mongolian       mn
 58. Mongolian       mn
 59. Pashto          ps
 60. Kurdish         ku
 61. Kashmiri        ks
 62. Sindhi          sd
 63. Tibetan         bo
 64. Nepali          ne
 65. Sanskrit        sa
 66. Marathi         mr
 67. Bengali         bn
 68. Assamese        as
 69. Gujarati        gu
 70. Punjabi         pa
 71. Oriya           or
 72. Malayalam       ml
 73. Kannada         kn
 74. Tamil           ta
 75. Telugu          te
 76. Sinhalese       si
 77. Burmese         my
 78. Khmer           km
 79. Lao             lo
 80. Vietnamese      vi
 81. Indonesian      id
 82. Tagalog         tl
 83. Malay           ms
 84. Malay           ms
 85. Amharic         am
 86. Tigrinya        ti
 87. Oromo           om
 88. Somali          so
 89. Swahili         sw
 90. Kinyarwanda     rw
 91. Rundi           rn
 92. Nyanja            
 93. Malagasy        mg
 94. Esperanto       eo
128. Welsh           cy
129. Basque          eu
130. Catalan         ca
131. Latin           la
132. Quechua         qu
133. Guarani         gn
134. Aymara          ay
135. Tatar           tt
136. Uighur          ug
137. Dzongkha        dz
138. Javanese        jv
139. Sundanese       su
140. Galician        gl
141. Afrikaans       af
142. Breton          br
143. Inuktitut       iu
144. Scottish        gd
145. Manx            gv
146. Irish           ga
147. Tongan          to
148. Greek           el
149. Greenlandic     kl
150. Azerbaijani     az
151. Nynorsk         nn
I actually saw this here: Interesting. Steve Jobs' experience with NeXT really influences Apple until today!
why are there doubles of some of them? Malay, Mongolian, Azerbaijani
makes me wish Old Norse was supported
@slf: Probably different locales. (I just generate the list from the `.c` file.)
+1  A: 

German is de, Spanish is es. The general format for these codes is languageCode_CountryCode or languageCode (used as the default for when a language is specified, but not a country).

So you can do things like en (generic english), en_GB (english, but from the UK), fr_FR (French from France), and fr_CH (swiss french).

Language codes are part of the ISO 639-1 standard, and country codes are from the ISO 3166 standard.

Dave DeLong