



Hi all,

I am working on Build Automation via Team Build (TFS 2008). We are using DB Pro with our Web project.

I want to get the SQL script for database change-set ,(that has occurred till the nightly build), automatically using MSBuild Script . This script has to bundled in a zip file along with Web Application binaries and pages.

How can i automatically generate Database change-set(changes of tables and data that occurred since last change-set) in the form of a SQL script that can be executed any SQL Server database(SQL Sever 2000 or 2005 at the minimum).

kindly help.


+1  A: 

The easiest way is to automate db deployment on specified database, and after that copy the created script to your package (if you're using VS 2008 DB Pro Edition)

Leszek Wachowicz